Monday, November 2, 2009

COBRA for ALL, but not really COBRA.

In the article " City of Austin expands same-sex benefits," located in the Austin Statesman, shares the new development that domestic partners will now be able to access Cobra like benefits. This benefit is expanded to City of Austin employee's " in case of employee's termination, divorce, or death"(Statesman). Austin Manager Marc Ott released the news today to the Austin City Council. The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act(COBRA) is a Federal program that requires employers to extend health care coverage due to certain events. The problem is that COBRA defines spouse as a wife or husband of the opposite sex. This is why the City of Austin will have to make a version of COBRA to extend to same-sex families. Austin will be the first city in Texas to extend such a benefit.
I think this article is defiantly worth reading, although it maybe a little short it is packed with information. Everyone should know about what the progression of same-sex rights so that people can either cry in victory, or cry in opposition. This piece simply lays out the facts of this new extended right.

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